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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Matt-man Vs Spring Break

Hail and well met

Well it is that time of year that usually means not one thing to me, Spring Break. Well this year it does because if the school is closed then I am not working, well mostly. There are things called charters that occur when some activity is going on and since school is not in session many of the sports are cramming in as many events as possible. There are also what appear to be field trips and that seems like a rip off to me. The whole allure of the "Field Trip" was that it consumed one day of drudgery out of the week.

Oh well I will shed no tears for the loss but instead I will gladly take all the cash I can whilst delivering the students to their various endeavors.

Speaking of endeavors I am taking one this weekend as I venture forth to the lands of the north (well Michigan that is) to visit my Sis. I am going alone and I have to say it feels like the days of old when I would take off for 4 or 5 days down to Carbondale or up to Monmoth to visit friends. Should be interesting. Hope to have stories to tell, unless I consume alcohol in which case I will have these nagging feelings that something happened but not quite able to remember what it was. Oh and of course in that scenario there are the snickers of laughter whenever I enter the local Denny's. Ah Denny's, what fond memories I have created there...for all those that weren't consuming alcohol. But those stories are lost for eternity to alcohol (that is my story and I am sticking to it).

Anyway I am going to go and get ready for work, a whopping 45 minutes that is and I get paid like 2 hours for it. Yeah me!

May the Force be with you


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