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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Silence of the Matt-Man

Hail and well met

Well it has been a few....months since I posted. What can I say I had nothing to put into words. Actually I did but choose not to, for good reasons. Basically I have decided that this is a crutch of sorts. This and all other forms of online journals add up to a drug. Yup an addictive drug that robs me of my ability to be creative and more importantly SOCIAL. It is all to easy to sit here in the cave and type all of my feelings on this thing and for a short time I feel better but then I look around and realize that I am ALONE. That condition is the central cause of much of my depression and sitting here on my ass typing into this void called the internet DOES NOT ONE DAMN THING TO FIX IT.

So am I going to stop all together? What are you crazy? Of course I am still going to type stuff in here from time to time, in fact I believe I may actually do it slightly more often now that I know the problem. Trying to quit totally is stupid and nothing more then the opposite extreme which is not better for me.

Nope it is going to be a matter of moderation. I will control when I type not my moods or emotions or any other force outside of my will. I will choose to do it and when.

Sounds great and looks even better sitting on the screen, now it is the pesky problem of DOING IT. That is the other problem with this whole blogging business. I say things here and then don't do them. That has nothing to do with the internet and everything to do with me. So here is to kicking the habit of not doing and typing instead....or moping around this cave avoiding everything.

So here is to starting to get the reigns of my life back and kicking this red wagon into high gear.

May the Force be with you


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